Product overview

Board Game "Haunted Castle", Haba [8679]

SKU: 4010168086798
MPN: 8679
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Product description

 Great memory game. Twenty residents live at Shiverstone Castle. In each round, a scary card is turned over with twelve inhabitants face up. Players try to remember these inhabitants. As soon as the card is flipped back, one at a time, the players begin to scare the inhabitants, whom they think they saw on the card. At the end of the round, for each citizen truly scared, the players move their ghost one space forward. However, for each falsely frightened inhabitant, they must move their ghost back one space. The goal of the game is to get your ghost the farthest on the standings.

Idea games

Twenty residents live in Shiverstone Castle. In each round, a scary card with twelve inhabitants is turned over  up. Players try to remember these abodes. Kato only the card is flipped back, one player at a time and start to scare inhabitthe spruces they think they seen on the card. at the end of the round, for each citizen truly scared, the players rearrange their ghostsha  one space forward along the path. However, for each inhabitant that is not properly frightened, they must move their ghost back one space.

Goal of the game

Next pass everyone with your ghost.

 ByGetting ready
Shuffle scary cards , select 12 pieces and lay the routenoy side up in the center of the table. Youplace 20 cards with residents aboutarbitrarily around a pile of scary cards. Takethose 10 remaining scary cards and withLay a trackFor ghosts, youFalse cards in a row with route side up. Each player takes a ghost and places it on the starting square (at the very beginning) of the track for ghost ny. The remaining game material is returned to the box.
How to play
  The player who can scream the longest ="color: #000000;">" can start. If you can't agree, the oldest one starts ghost. Turn over a card from the scary card deck and place it in the center of the table so that everyone can see it clearly.  All players now try to remember the inhabitants depicted on it. The card remains flipped until the current player decides to flip it back. The leading player himself decides skonly the card will remain flipped. It could be 5 seconds, maybe 10 seconds.

Look at the card very carefully. It must have 12 inhabitants until. Some are similar to each other, some are verynot small, and they are hard to see, some are hiding behind by other obi by the swordsmen of Shiverstone Castle. ScarecrowIt's not started! As soon as the current player flips the card back, the turn begins. The player sitting next after the clock leaderoh arrow, remembers who he saw on card and makes the first move. It has 2 possibilities: Scare! You remember the villager, and< span style="color: #000000;"> pictured on the card you just looked at together. You shout out "Boooo!"and take a card with matchthowling a villager from the table and place it in front of you. Pass!< /span> You don't remember any Shiverstone Castle residents who were in the mission. You say "Three, two, times – s I'm scared! » and no more are participating in this round. Nowthe queue for the next game will dropan eye on youace hand.

You can scare only one villager per turn. Even if you remember the rest residents , you need to wait until the rest of the players do one move and then again it's your turn to scare. Also, you can only scare those villagersth, cards with which are still lying in the center of the table (and not in the hands of other players). Scarecrow e is over!
The round ends when no player remembers anymore not a single inhabitant, or when there are no more cards left in the center of the tablemore cards. Scary the card is turned back face up and everyone checks the result:- For each truly scared villager, the player can move their ghost to the corresponding number of cells forward on track ghosts.- For each newBlack scared villager, the player must move their ghost one spaceback. It may happen that the player returns to the very beginning of the track.
-It would be better if the players were check cards one by oneand one by one. Each player shows one card with the inhabitants that he has as a result of the round and everyone checks if there are such an inhabitant on a frightening card. The players all together decide whether the inhabitant was scared.
- If over ghost path, take another card from the box and extend it. Start of a new round. As soon as the calculation of the results of the round of zakobegins, it starts nnew roundund. Population cards are expanded againi around the stack with scaryand cards. Pugatel a card that only what was in the game is put into the box. The next player clockwise becomes the leading ghost.< br> Game Over
After 12 rounds are over, the game ends. The player whose ghost was givenhighest on the ghost path, becomes the winner and mawithScare Terom.In case tie, multiple winners in the game.

Board game "Castle with a ghost" cards, Haba [8679] - original goods from the official supplier in Ukraine, presented in stores in Kiev, Odessa, free delivery across Ukraine when ordering online.


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Board Game Haunted Castle, Haba [8679]
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