Product overview

4-wheel balance bike, Radio Flyer™ USA (020)

SKU: 42385902609
MPN: 20
Not available

Product description

Возраст ребенка: от 2.5 лет Вид: Беговел Характеристики Беговел Radio Flyer Balance Bike Красный 800 Возраст ребенка от 2.5 лет Вес 3кг Цвет Красный без педалей велосипед-самокат красные без родительской ручки О ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЕ Компания Radio Flyer is an American manufacturer of mobile vehicles for children. For 90 years of its existence, this dynamically developing enterprise has reached unprecedented heights. The design of Radio Flyer bicycles for the smallest is made using light and durable steel alloys. This plays an important role, because first of all, the baby will carry the bike behind him, so the weight of the structure should be commensurate with the strength of the child. Radio Flyer made sure that their products have a low center of gravity and a controlled turning radius - all this ensures greater stability of the bikes and reduces the risk of accidental rollovers. All Radio Flyer products are certified, there are many awards at various exhibitions. Bicycles from Radio Flyer are the best "first wheels" :)


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